My golden Retriever, Diego randomly started bleeding from a bump on his back near his tail yesterday. I took him to the vet as well as now I’m trying to provide him his puppy medicine however he won’t take it!
Okay, very first – what happened…
I noticed Diego’s fur looked wet in one area yesterday morning. It was weird since he hadn’t been around anything that would’ve gotten him wet like that so I inspected it out.
Well, it was BLOOD. as well as he had a huge bump!
I had noticed a little bump a while back as well as so had my buddy who puppy-sits Diego. We inspected it since we were afraid it was a tick or something – however it just appeared like a bump of skin.
I believe this was the cause of his huge bump issue, however can’t truly be sure.
Recently it seemed like the bump was getting bigger however it wasn’t extremely noticeable as well as didn’t seem to bother him. however when it started to bleed I realized it was something that may be serious. He didn’t seem to be in any type of pain as well as let us touch the area to clean it as well as inspect it out.
Yesterday I took him to the vet as well as it’s most likely an abscess triggered by a minor wound that healed over as well as got infected OR a thorn, fox tail or something similar that poked into his skin. The vet had to do minor surgical treatment to clean it out properly.
So… 4 hours as well as 1200 dollars later – Diego was back home. Jippi!!
I went to the pet store while I waited for him to get an inflatable cone collar instead of the plastic cone. The plastic cones are truly difficult for dogs as well as cats to wear since the diameter is so wide they bump into everything. My location is extremely little so he already doesn’t have much space to move around. So when you add a huge ol’ plastic cone – he’s constantly bumping into walls, chairs, me… as well as it seems difficult to get comfortable to sleep.
I utilized a soft security cone for dogs after he got neutered as well as it worked well since :
a.) I work from house so he was supervised most of the time as well as I would’ve noticed if he was trying to lick his wounds
b.) I walked him sufficient to get his ‘sillies’ out so he was tired as well as would relax / sleep instead of poke around his wounds
c.) He’s a quite great dog as well as listens if I state no – so it wasn’t a constant battle of him trying to slip away to lick his wounds.
Just like people are different, dogs are different as well as this may not work for each dog or every dog parent. Do what is finest for you as well as your pet.
Diego the golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills
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Golden Retriever Won’t Take His Pills!
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*You can see this inflatable cone as well as my other Doggo must Haves on Amazon here*
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Cone of pity options for Dogs
That Time Diego almost Drowned
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