Hello! I ran the Revel big Bear Marathon this weekend! I did a bunch of Instagram stories on it – make sure you’re following @RunEatRepeat on IG for the updates!!
I hadn’t run a full marathon in a long time so I was stressed and uncertain of how it would go. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to run well and get in a strong long run / marathon / mental exercise situation. and I think I did alright with all of those. I still have a very far way to go if I want to run faster, but I feel a lot much more confident now! I’m confident I’m capable of running better and accomplishing hard goals. now I just need to get particular with what those goals are and a plan to go after them. but today… I’m relaxing, eating and recapping my race…
Revel Marathon big Bear Race results – top 10 Highlights
1. My 1 pal and only running buddy skinny Runner aka @BarlesHambone came all the way from the north west suggestion of the USA to come run with me!!*
2. Steve biked all the way from Pasadena to big Bear to view me finish!!**
3. I saw Elise on the bus, Pam before the race and a lot of followers on the course and at the Finish!!Thank you for saying Hi!!!***
4. team Run eat Repeat rocked the race!! The half marathon and marathon runners ran fast and strong! (If you want a discount for Revel Hawaii – check out my Race discounts page)****
5. I wanted to give up at mile 20… but I didn’t.
6. I made 2 restroom stops during the race. and I wasn’t quick about it.
7. It wasn’t as cold as I thought it was going to be at the start. but we were prepared with throw away gear, ponchos, beanies and hot hands.
8. I wanted to give up at mile 22… and I did – – well, I walked for a while and gave myself a pep talk.*****
I felt exhausted and wanted it to be over. I told SR I was done and didn’t care if I did a sub-4 hour marathon after all. I just wanted it to be over. She kept pushing me and encouraging me to suck it up and keep going. At the time I was made at her. We argued like an old married couple. but I kept my voice down (well, it was quiet for me at least). She kept on me trying different ways to motivate me…
SR: ‘don’t you think everyone wants it to be over? that’s not just you…’
Me: (silent anger)
SR: ‘do it for the insta’
Me: NO. I don’t care, you know I don’t care about that.
SR: ‘we’re practically done…’
Me: I was done miles ago.
SR: ‘make it a time you can be happy of’
Me: I’m happy of just doing this! I don’t care about my time.
SR: ‘c’mon! we can do this!!…’
(another runner hears her try to motivate me and chimes in… )
Me: (gives SR a look because I’m not pleased that now strangers are bugging me when I clearly am not interested in being motivated and would like to call an uber or an ambulance)
SR: ‘we have 20 much more minutes. I think you can be unpleasant for 20 much more minutes…’
Me: *(thinking bad words) puts in my headphones and starts to run*
Finish time: 3:50:46! I just wanted to run a sub-4 hour marathon. and I’m pleased with this extra because I really never got in the zone. I felt kinda exhausted and crappy the whole time. I’m not sure if that’s because of the elevation, my fitness level, me still combating off being sick or a combination of all of those.
But the point is – I did it. Jeg er tilbake. I can still run 26.2 miles. I’m not as out of marathon shape as I thought.
10. It was gorgeous!! The big Bear Marathon is a stunning downhill course! The views were amazing. I wanted to stop and take tons of videos and pictures, but kept it to a few because I was expected to be running.
We were so high up in elevation that it looked like we were above the clouds at some points. and the sunrise views on the mountains – it was so so gorgeous!
We ran on a 2 lane road from big Bear to Redlands – it’s not somewhere runners can run safely. So it was very special and I’m very grateful that we got to run here and see the mountains in a way many don’t get to enjoy! I really loved it!
10.5 post race they handed out donuts, pizza and chocolate milk!! Oh yeah!
This is the victory lap.
It was a terrific race and I really miss running with SR so it was extra awesome. and now that I think about it… I don’t know if I would have done it if she didn’t come out to run the full! So again, she is good and I hope she makes a decision living off the grid in Gnome, AK is not that fun and moves back to run with me all the time.
Next post – I’ll talk about food! We ate a bunch of good stuff!! It probably wasn’t the best fuel for before a full marathon – but we didn’t plan out the timing of lunch/dinner and driving from OC to Redlands. Fail. but it was mostly okay.
Oh – and make sure to follow me on Pinterest to find much more race recaps & reviews, recipes, workouts and more!
I never talk about Pinterest and forget to mention it until someone contacts me from a Pin they saw and I think I ought to remind you to follow me there… so, um… that’s what I’mgjør!
*Følg Run Eat Repeat’s Pinterest -tavler her*
Merknader fra listen min:
*SR bor ikke i Alaska, hun bor i Washington, men jeg tror det i hovedsak er det samme. Jeg kjenner ikke kart -ologi.
** Steve var der fordi han er en løpende trener og flere av disse Soul Runners -teammedlemmene løp løpet.
*** Jeg glemte hvorfor jeg la en stjerne på dette tallet.
**** Ja, jeg jobber med å få en teamrabattkode for de andre Revel Races. Jeg har en til Hawaii – sjekk siden Race Discounts.
***** Nå som løpet er over … Jeg er veldig takknemlig for at Sr presset meg. Den gangen var jeg ferdig. Jeg hadde ikke tenkt å slutte, men jeg ville bare gå de siste milene. Jeg følte meg som dritt. Men absolutt var jeg i stand til å presse gjennom det fordi jeg gjorde det. Hvis hun ikke var der, oppmuntret meg til å fortsette å løpe – ville jeg gått mye mer! Så ja, hun var best at jeg hadde mye mer å gi.
Kommer opp: Hva jeg spiste før løpet … hva jeg spiste under løpet … hva jeg spiste etter løpet! <- Gi meg beskjed hvis du har noen spesielle spørsmål om dette! Hva er ditt neste løp eller treningsmål ?? Hvis du vil løpe et løp før utgangen av dette året - registrer deg for et av Lexus Lace Up -løpene og bruk rabattkode RER10 Ta en titt på siden Race Discounts for mye mer Race Discount Coupon Codes. Send meg arbeidsboken 38Save Deling er omsorgsfull! 38 Pin Dele kvitring Dele Post Dele Fortsett å velge disse: Irvine Half Marathon Race Recap Irvine Half Marathon Race Recap Half Marathon Race Recap and Review. Irvine Half Crazy Half Marathon Running Course and Race Review og forslag til OC Half Marathon Results og Topp 13 høydepunkter OC Half Marathon Results og Topp 13 høydepunkter OC Marathon og Half Marathon Race Results. Orange County Recap og de beste delene av 13,1 mil -løpet. rabatter for andre Disney World 10K Race Recap Disney World 10K Race Recap Run Disney World Marathon Weekend 2022. Disney 10K Race Review and Recap. Topp 10 bilder og øyeblikk fra løpet AFC Half Marathon Race Recap and Photos AFC Half Marathon Race Recap and Photos Amerikas fineste by (San Diego) Half Marathon Race -resultater og oppsummering. AFC Half Marathon -bilder. Løper inn Nye løpsrabatter og rabattkupongkoder OC Marathon, Revel og mer! Nye løpsrabatter og rabattkupongkoder OC Marathon, Revel og mer! Orange County Marathon Half Marathon Discount Code, Lexus Lace Up Race Series Rabatt for Irvine, Ventura, Palos Verdes Major Marathon Race -registreringsfrister Major Marathon Race -registreringsfrister Liste over de viktigste maratonene i USA og datoer for å registrere seg for hvert løp. Frister og krav for å kjøre NYC Mara ⚡ av Shareaholic .